Book Club Discussion

Additional Webinar and Film Resources Related to Book Discussion on 4-25-21

  1. Glaude’s January 21, 2021 webinar presentation: “Awakening the Church: A Call to Respond to Systemic Racism.”

  1. Glaude’s December 6, 2020 video discussion of Begin Again on C-Span2-Book TV. The discussion is two hours.
  2. Raoul Peck’s Exterminate all the Brutes

Exterminate All the Brutes is from acclaimed filmmaker Raoul Peck (I Am Not Your Negro in 2016 based on James Baldwin’s unfinished manuscript “Remember this House” This film won best documentary in 2016.

Exterminate All of the Brutes is on HBO and a four-part hybrid docuseries that provides a visually arresting journey through time, into the darkest hours of humanity. Through his personal voyage, Peck deconstructs the making and masking of history, digging deep into the exploitative and genocidal aspects of European colonialism — from America to Africa and its impact on society today.

The series is based on works by three authors and scholars — Sven Lindqvist’s “Exterminate

All the Brutes,” Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz’s “An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States,” and Michel-Rolph Trouillot’s “Silencing the Past.” Exterminate All the Brutes revisits and reframes the profound meaning of the Native American genocide and American slavery and their fundamental implications for our present.

Raoul Peck’s Statement of Intent for making Exterminate All the Brutes

Docuseries Trailer: Filmmaker’s Q & A:

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